Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Book Reading #16 - Opening Skinner's Box

Chapter 4: In the Unlikely Event of a Water Landing

This chapter talked about the experiments of Darley and Latane. The experiments did the opposite of Skinner's by dealing with authority when there is none around. One experiment dealt with people who couldn't see each other or communicate with each other, they could only hear each other. The experiment simulated a seizur to see how people reacted. The more people involved in the experiment, the less likely it was for people to get help. The second experiment put people in a room and was then filled with smoke from a vent. Along with the subjects there was an actor that was instructed to not react to the smoke. When the actor acted normal the study showed that people tried to stay calm like him and kind of ignore the smoke. When the actor was removed most of the people reacted to the smoke and recognized the need to get help.

Like the other chapters this was very interesting. All of these experiments are very fascinating to read about because they show some of the major reactions humans show under strange cirumstances. The study showed that educated people more than uneducated people will try to get help in these situations. I don't understand because it seems like most of these should be dealt with by being human. That's kind of hard to describe but  if you were getting hurt wouldn't you want to be helped?

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