Paper 1:
Title: Machines and Mindlessness: Social Responses to Computers
Authors: Clifford Nass, Youngme Moon
Venue: Journal of Societal Issues, Vol. 56-1, 2000
Paper 2:
Title: Computers are Social Actors
Authors: Clifford Nass, Jonathan Steuer, and Ellen R. Tauber
Venue: CHI '94, April 1994
Paper 3:
Title: Can Computer Personalities Be Human Personalities?
Authors: Clifford Nass, Youngme Moon, BJ Fogg, Byron Reeves, and Chris Dryer
Venue: CHI '95, May 7-11 1995
This idea needs to be considered in design because it can make the users think differently about an interface than what is intended. I don't think it is odd that the human-computer interaction is viewed as a social interaction because I experience it all the time.
Picture from 'Computers are Social Actors' paper.
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